

Binary Classification Tasks

Added better support for binary classification tasks. See the following example for a sample, or check out the full docs here. You will need to specify the negative class, and all inferences should be submitted as the positive class. Binary classification projects also now support sorting by confidence score for the negative class.

al_client.create_project(..., primary_task="BINARY_CLASSIFICATION", binary_classification_negative_class="empty")

Filters on Within-Dataset Similarity Searches

Added support for applying filters to related images within a dataset. You can now filter samples according to metadata or membership in existing issues.

3D Cuboid Image Projection

When using cuboids with lidar data, you can now have your cuboids projected onto your images and have image distortion properly accounted for. See more information on how to use this feature using the Python Docs or the Quickstart Guide.

View Issue Element Comments Outside of Issue

You can now see issue element comments outside of an issue, and it will indicate which issue that comment is a member of. We will be adding support to create comments when viewing a frame outside of an issue, but that work is not complete yet.

Display Settings in Issues

The Display Settings button/menu is now visible in the new Issues UI and will allow you to customize how you view the elements in your issues.

Improved Loading Times

Load times are being continually improved and many fixes have been merged to help reduce the load time in the UI.

Improved Support for Very Large Images

We now have improved support for very large images (larger than 10k x 10k pixels) and you will see improved UI performance and less memory used in your browser.

Last updated