
Notifications (In-App and Email)

Notifications are now available for all users. Please click on the bell on the top right to see your in-app notifications.

Notification settings are available in your user settings. Users can set what kind of notifications they want to receive. Aquarium currently supports Email and In-App notifications, with more ways to come soon!

Auto Issues (Opt-in)

Auto issues is currently feature flagged off, but can be turned on for your organization upon request. Once turned on, you will be able to see the following in your project settings:

For newly uploaded inferences, Aquarium will automatically create issues for the highest confidence confusions:

Collection Campaign Configurable Sampling Threshold

Sampling threshold is now configurable in the UI and will be used by the client when set.

Project Settings: Include No Gt

Hover Preview in Embedding View

Now you can view previews of your data points when you hover over them:

Python Client: Configurable Temp Directory

Setting an environment variable, AQUARIUM_TEMP_DIR will update the location of the cache directory for Aquarium uploads.

Python Client: Inference Visualization Assets

We've added the function add_visualization_asset(image_id: str, image_url: str)for inference frames to add additional images to display for a frame. For example,

inference_frame.add_visualization_asset('viz_image_id', viz_image_url)

These images will be rendered next to the main frame data.

Last updated